Loading Events



Setup camp

Explore surroundings

Review Rules


Land Nav Advanced/Basic

Trauma Care

Gun Safety

Gun Range

Family Style Dinner


Clean up camp


Out in Landers, CA on BLM land.

Turn onto dirt road here: 34.29532, -116.46183

Camp location: 34.29027, -116.48407

Updated* You’ll head to the Red Marker (of a jeep), 34.29532, -116.46183, then turn onto a dirt road, you’ll pass a water tank on the right, continue on another a few more miles miles following the stakes in the ground. Follow the road until you get to the blue marker marker (x), 34.29027, -116.48407. We’ll try to have two meet up times at the first red marker if you do not feel comfortable driving the dirt road.

Rally location
For those that can meet at the designated times listed below, we will rally together at the cross roads and then head out. For those that cannot make the rally we will be leaving markets (stakes with arrows) along the trail for you to follow.
First rally: Friday, 1st 20:00-21:30 (call if running late, 760-707-7284)
Second rally: Saturday, 2nd 08:30-9:00
Rally at the following coordinates: 34.29532, -116.46183


It’s the desert, it’ll be harsh conditions. Do not bring “nice clothing”. Boots are a good idea.
* pack in, pack out. Bring all your trash back with you
* There are no toilets, bring a shovel and toilet paper. We’ll have shovels you can use if you don’t have one
* We are in the middle of the desert, no running water. Nada.

What to bring

This is dry camping so you’ll need to bring all your own water.

  • 2 gallons of water per person min
  • Firewood
  • Warm clothing
  • Compass
  • Flashlight
  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Survival gear if you have any, good to share knowledge on this subject
  • Toilet paper
  • Toilet (we’ll have a community one)
  • Guns and ammo / targets
  • Flashlights
  • Balloons (for target practice)
  • Enough food to last 2-3 days
  • Guns
  • Ammo (donation for those without ammo)
  • Targets (we already have a few but the more the merrier)
  • Glow sticks are fun as well
  • Chair
  • Trash bags
  • Everything else you’ll need for camping
  • First aid kit
Each boy should bring their own pack and learn what to pack (age appropriate )
  • Water/storage/filter
  • Knife (pocket knife)
  • Food
  • Shelter (emergency blanket or tent)
  • First Aid
  • Flash light
  • Lighter/matches
  • Extra clothing (jacket/rain gear)
  • hat (sun protection)
  • Compass (map/gps)


High 70s
Low 30s



  • Buddy system
  • Tell an adult
  • No littering
