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Troop Meetings

We have a special presentation by a Swat officer at Carlsbad Police Department, meeting at Carlsbad Police Dept. at 6:40pm that Thursday the 20th of Feb. The presentation is set to last anywhere from 30-60 minutes and we will setup a carpool request channel within Church Center for those that needs rides. However please note

Award Ceremony Planning (kids welcome)

February 27 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Unorganized games while parents plan TBD

Troop Events


February 28 - March 2

This is a saved date for a potential campout with AHG.   More details to come

Distance: 3.3 miles More information: Vernal Pool Trail and Transpreserve Trail Loop

What is it? We'll be headed to March Air Field Base for a day trip to view all the amazing planes and helicopters used in our military. Time TBD   Cost There will be a cost associated with this, more details to come.

Backpacking Trip

April 5 @ 8:00 am - April 6 @ 3:30 pm

More details coming soon!

Distance: 3.4 miles More information: Wilderness Gardens Upper Meadow Camelia View and Alice Fries

La Jolla Campground

May 2 - May 4

More details coming soon